Baby Soft Face

  1. Put on a head band. To keep all your hair away of your face.

  2. Wash your hands before touching your face. It's been proven the less you touch your face the less you'll have buttons and the less you'll be ill.

  3. Take a DOVE cream bar and make a white bubble soap face mask.Don't use a lot of water while making the white bubble soap face mask.Otherwise it will reach to your eyes, throat and neck. Leave the white bubble soap face mask for approximately 2 minutes. 

  4. Caress a little hard with your finger all the grease areas  of your face.For example the two sides of your nose ...

  5. Wash the soap away with hot water. Then wash your face with cold water. Remember hot and then cold.

  6. Dry your face gently with a nice soft towel.

  7. Scrub with brown sugar and olive oil to get smooth and supple skin. Do it only once a week.

  8. Take off your head band and enjoy your baby smooth skin for all to see.


9 powerful reasons to drink water

1-Weight loss
 Water is one of the best tools for weight loss, first of all because it often replaces high-calorie drinks like soda and juice and alcohol with a drink that doesn't have any calories. But it's also a great appetite suppressant, and often when we think we're hungry, we're actually just thirsty. Water has no fat, no calories, no crabs, no sugar. Drink plenty to help your weight-loss regimen.

2- Heart healthy
 Drinking a good amount of water could lower your risks of a heart attack. A six-year study published in the May 1, 2002 American Journal of Epidemiology found that those who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day were 41% less likely to die from a heart attack during the study period than those who drank less than two glasses.

 Being dehydrated can sap your energy and make you feel tired -- even mild dehydration of as little as 1 or 2 percent of your body weight. If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated -- and this can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness and other symptoms.

4- Headache cure
 Another symptom of dehydration is headaches. In fact, often when we have headaches it's simply a matter of not drinking enough water. There are lots of other causes of headaches of course, but dehydration is a common one.

 5- Healthy skin
 Drinking water can clear up your skin and people often report a healthy glow after drinking water. It won't happen overnight, of course, but just a week of drinking a healthy amount of water can have good effects on your skin.

 6- Digestive problems
 Our digestive systems need a good amount of water to digest food properly. Often water can help cure stomach acid problems, and water along with fiber can cure constipation (often a result of dehydration).

 7- Cleansing
 Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body.

 8- Cancer risk
 Related to the digestive system item above, drinking a healthy amount of water has also been found to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45%. Drinking lots of water can also reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 50% and potentially reduce the risk of breast cancer.

  10- Better exercise
  Being dehydrated can severely hamper your athletic activities, slowing you down and making it harder to lift weights. Exercise requires additional water, so be sure to hydrate before, during and after exercise.

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